Flow MTB Heli Biking

25–26 November 2023

This custom package all started over 12 months ago before heli biking was even announced. Jono Wade, General Manager at Flow MTB had been talking to us about supporting a team Christmas party/getaway to Tasmania. That was all quickly derailed when one of the team broke their wrist and everything was put on hold.

Fast forward 12 months, and about eight weeks out from our inaugural heli biking trip to the West Coast of Tasmania to capture some marketing footage (which we thought was a water-tight secret!), we received a call from Jono asking if he could reschedule Flow MTB’s Christmas party for the same weekend of our heli biking “marketing weekend”. We had kept this heli biking weekend a secret as it wasn’t open to the public due to us capturing marketing content, and we had organised with friends to have a closed-door “dry run” on Sunday to check timing, processes, and general operations.

But, the secret was out and Jono knew what we were up to. So, we invited the team to come heli biking: “Mate, it’s the standard deal everyone else has. It’s the first time we’ve done this, so patience is key.”. Needless to say, the Flow crew was onboard.

Our driver, Pad, picked the crew up from Maydena on Saturday, and after a rather lengthy sightseeing tour into Queenstown, our heli biking crew met the Flow team for drinks, “emergency parmigianas” (see Flow’s article for more info on that), with heli biking at Silver City, Zeehan, the following day.  

You may think it would be hard to judge who’s the most excited getting out of a helicopter, and it was a tight competition between most flights on Sunday’s dry run. Except the Flow MTB crew took the excitement level higher than anyone else. This crew can certainly bring a contagious energy. Just look at their photos!


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